Date: Wednesday, 06 May 2020
Time: 1100 am– 12 00 noon (IST)
Mode: via Zoom
By invitation only
As the world battles against a global pandemic, journalists are in the forefront, telling the COVID-19 story. They are first responders themselves, dealing with multiple challenges, ranging from screaming deadlines, domestic crises, restricted mobility and having to deal with personal safety and wellbeing.
In these challenging times, journalists play a critical role in keeping their communities informed. COVID-19 has made everyone a health reporter.
But how can journalists cover the global pandemic effectively when they often have to consider self-care and deal with psychological stress, challenges to their own health and safety and an uncertain future? What are the best practices we can draw from?
“Self-care for journalists covering COVID-19” will focus on all of the above and more and will feature Amantha Perera, senior journalist, media researcher and trainer. In an hour-long Zoom discussion with a select group of journalists from South Asia, Amantha will share insights and share tips.

Amantha Perera is a researcher with the Creative Arts Research Training Academy, CQUnivesity, Australia. His main area of expertise is journalism and online trauma threats. He also works as the Asia-Pacific Coordinator for the DART Center for Journalism and Trauma.
His works have appeared in TIME, The Guardian, Washington Post, Reuters, al- Jazeera and the New Humanitarian. He tweets from @amanthap
Dear Dilrukhshi
Thank you very much for arranging what we really need it right now , I with a pleasure I will attend the meeting .
Najiba Ayubi
Director General TKG
Dear Dilrukhshi
Thank you very much for arranging what we really need it right now , I with a pleasure I will attend the meeting .
Najiba Ayubi
Director General TKG
Dear Dilrukhshi
Thank you very much for arranging what we really need it right now , I with a pleasure I will attend the meeting .
Thank you for the invite. I will attend. Najiba has already responded to the invite. I will contact the coordinator of AJSC, Wahida Faizi and ask her if she or someone else will be interested to join.
Hi Dilrukshi,
Thank you very much for arranging it. It’s a right time to learn new and safe things how to cover and report COVID-19. I will attend this.
Hi Dlirukshi
Thank you so much for the opportunity. I will be attending
Thanks guys! Surely look forward to it. Much needed at this time
Thanks again
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